Notizie dall'azienda

Applicazione della tecnologia laser nel settore degli utensili da cucina

Le persone dipendono dal cibo e gli utensili da cucina sono necessità quotidiane indispensabili nella nostra vita e simbolo di una vita migliore. Con il continuo miglioramento degli standard di vita nazionali, le persone hanno avanzato requisiti più elevati per la funzionalità, l'estetica, la durata e altri aspetti degli utensili da cucina. Per adattarsi meglio alla filosofia di vita dei clienti, molti produttori di utensili da cucina continuano a esplorare nuovi processi di produzione e ad aggiornare le apparecchiature di lavorazione. Le apparecchiature laser, come strumento di elaborazione nel nuovo [...]

Come disimballare e utilizzare la macchina dopo averla ricevuta

Buying laser equipment for the first time and getting a complete wooden box package from a logistics provider, you don’t know what to do? Worried about damaging the packaged machine when unboxing? Not sure how to start the first operation? Don’t worry, Mactron will provide you with more thoughtful and comprehensive guidance. Three steps to tell you what to do after receiving the machine.   STEP 1: Unbox the machine Firstly you need to prepare some tools:vise, hammer, wrench, knife and the [...]

Regalo personalizzato per il festival di metà autunno con laser

Dai tempi antichi ad oggi, gli esseri umani sono stati pieni di infinite fantasticherie sul vasto universo. Volare sulla Luna è il sogno della nazione cinese che dura da migliaia di anni. L’esplorazione lunare e il volo spaziale con equipaggio della Cina si stanno sviluppando rapidamente. Alla fine del 2020, la navicella spaziale Chang'e 5 ha campionato con successo la luna ed è tornata sulla Terra. Recentemente, una nuova generazione di veicoli di lancio con equipaggio e di veicoli di lancio pesanti è entrata nella fase preliminare di [...]

Come scegliere il gas di protezione per la saldatrice laser?

Laser welding machine is a commonly used machine in the field of metal processing. With the gradual maturity of laser welding technology, the industry’s requirements for processing effects are becoming more and more stringent. In the process of processing, many manufacturers are more concerned about how to better utilize the value of laser welding and make products with a beautiful appearance and high quality. The main principle of laser welding is to set the shape after heating and melting. To [...]

Soluzioni di elaborazione laser per l'industria delle macchine per marcatura laser con microfono

As we all know, laser marking is a non-contact marking method, which can complete the surface marking without affecting the function of the product, and is widely used in metal, plastic, glass, ceramics, wood, leather and other materials. At present, there are many types of laser marking machines with different appearances and configurations on the market. For manufacturers, improving production efficiency and product quality has become a more core competitiveness. Based on customer needs, Mactron is committed to creating industry-specific [...]

Vantaggi della macchina per marcatura laser 3D

In the industrial field, laser technology has long been a mature and commonly used processing method. The traditional two-dimensional laser marking machine uses fixed focus to mark the surface of plane and regular objects, but its function and processing range are limited. In order to better meet the market demand, 3D laser marking machines have gradually entered the public’s field of vision and become a popular trend in the field of laser processing.   The 3D laser marking machine is equipped [...]

Applicazione del laser nel campo dei giocattoli e della cancelleria

With the increasing competition in the toy market, traditional toy manufacturers have begun to upgrade from OEM to original trendy toys. It is the important part of the process for building independent brands of toys to improve brand awareness and maintain original copyrights.   As a non-contact marking method, laser can not only cut the raw materials of toys, but also mark the brand LOGO, QR code and model information on the surface of the product, which can effectively realize the [...]

Buona festa della mamma: MACTRON guida le madri verso una vita sana

With the continuous development of society, women in the new era have gradually increased requirements for their health, figure, and appearance. The mother is one of the roles of women. She provide the children with correct education and guidance, as well as a warm and comfortable living environment, she also actively shaped herself, pursuing an independent, free, and healthy future life.   Fitness is a way for mothers to pursue fashion and self-pursuit. With the emergence of fitness fashion, and the [...]

Come risolvere lo schema di taglio è frastagliato

Laser cutting machine has become an important partner in the industrial field because of its fast cutting speed and high efficiency. In the process of laser cutting, the cutting machine may be affected by factors such as vibration, gears, speed, guide rail and slider, resulting in the cutting pattern jagged. Next, we need to check and solve them in turn. In the process of laser cutting, it is necessary to ensure that the various parts of the machine are installed [...]

Come risolvere il problema del taglio grafico

The cutting pattern is incomplete or uneven, which will directly affect the cutting effect and fail to pass the requirements in the process. Next, we will tell you how to solve this problem through the video.   Incomplete Cutting Graph We need to check hardware and software when the cutting graph is incomplete . If it is a hardware failure, we need to replace the motor. If it is a software problem, we need to troubleshoot the CNC system, check whether the [...]